Hi all.
The title of this one is what Koko, my 2 year old daughter said to my father in law today. I suggested it of course, but that’s what we all did today.
No point beating around the bush here, as I am very tired and not a small bit tipsy.
My father in law, my wife’s father and my children’s grandfather passed away yesterday morning, and his funeral was today.
Normally the funeral does not happen so quickly here but if it was not today then it would have stretched out to Monday (Sunday is a non-auspicious day) which would have been too long for more reasons than today was too quick.
I won’t go into details about it, but I can say that it was very dignified and very, very final. More than a few little shocks, one large one that made my eyes leak profusely and one that got my heart rate way up there.
It’s difficult enough to type this out now as it is, so I’ll leave it there. I guess it’s enough to let all of you out there that read this here web-log that my father in law was not at all well, and his passing was not unexpected. Just a little later and earlier than we all though it might be.
And to Yoshiyuki, who may see this and should have some help actually reading it…
Good bye sir, thanks for everything. I only wish I had known you better than I did, but I am blessed beyond mere words to have known you at all.
Its tremendous that your daughter was able to say that. That she understood enough.
You have our sympathies in this difficult time.