Will you take them in a box?

Hello again Faithful reader,

I read Green eggs and ham tonight, so please excuse the heading there. It just seemed so appropriate.

After a little prodding and poking, I’ve finally made Koyamaichi chisels available in 5 and 10 piece sets, in boxes.

See them here; Koyamaichi chisels.

Still working my way through Ouchi, then onto some stones and then some measuring and marking gear. Some really, really nice measuring and marking gear…

Thanks for poking your head in the door,


3 comments to Will you take them in a box?

  • patrick anderson

    Looking forward to seeing Ouchi available and hopefully within my budget

  • Started listing now, should have the remaining 100 or so oire-nomi type chisels up in the next few hours.

    Nice sunny Sunday, and I’m working on chisels in a computer.



  • David Hart

    Ha! Looking forward to seeing that measuring and marking gear!